Maximize the effectiveness of your Difiney Anti-Snoring Device with these simple tips:
1. Mold It Correctly
Follow the boil-and-bite instructions carefully to ensure a perfect fit. This ensures comfort and effectiveness.
2. Start with a Gentle Adjustment
Set the device to a 1mm or 2mm advancement. Gradually increase over time for the best results without discomfort.
3. Be Consistent
Wear the device every night to allow your body to adjust and experience consistent snore-free sleep.
4. Maintain Cleanliness
Clean the device daily using mild soap and water to prevent buildup and ensure hygiene.
5. Monitor and Adjust as Needed
If snoring persists, adjust the settings slightly. Difiney’s fine-tuning mechanism makes it easy to customize your experience.
By following these tips, you’ll enjoy the full benefits of Difiney’s innovative design and wake up to quieter, more restful mornings.